Rent from locals. The cheapest way to rent

Terms of use

Rent From Locals terms of use

The role of Rent From Locals

Rent From Locals provides a business networking platform that matches users looking for a car or apartment to rent with users wishing to rent them out. Rent From Locals is an intermediary and is in no
manner a party to the rental transaction concluded between the two parties. Rent From Locals does not rent out cars or apartments via or by any other means, and has no activity other than that of connecting users to each other for the purpose of rentals.

Rent From Locals provides its users with business networking tools. These tools enable members to upload content, communicate with other users, and make informed decisions about renting out their vehicles or apartments. Rent From Locals’s collection and use of personal information in connection with the access to and use of the Platform is described in our Privacy Policy.


Rent From Locals does not stand as a guarantor for any user, vehicle or apartment. Users remain responsible to provide accurate information and Rent From Locals does not provide any statement, confirmation or
approval concerning users, their identity or their background.

Users agree that, in the event of damage attributable to another user or a third party, they will only hold liable the party that caused the damage, and take action only against such party. All users agree to not attempt to hold Rent From Locals liable or take legal action against Rent From Locals for such acts or omissions. The users are themselves responsible for their actions in the service and they should estimate the reliability of other users before dealing with them. 

Rent From Locals can in no case guarantee the solvency of users, including the renters. The users must check the identity of their contact, the documents of the vehicle, and the renter’s driving license at the time the vehicle is taken.

The user acknowledges and agrees that Rent From Locals is not obliged to carry out a background check of its users. Rent From Locals reserves the right to verify a user’s records in its sole discretion, to the extent permitted by applicable law and if it has sufficient information to identify such User. Rent From Locals chooses to carry out such control actions in order to offer the best possible service conditions.

As a digital platform, Rent From Locals’s role is limited exclusively to the linking of owners with renters. Given that Rent From Locals is not a party to the rentals, it is not part to the contractual relationship formed between users for each rental. Accordingly, Rent From Locals cannot be held liable for any damage suffered or caused by the renter or the owner using a vehicle/apartment rented via the website.

Moreover, Rent From Locals cannot be held liable for a user’s non-compliance with local regulations such as rules relating to tourism and rental

Rights of Content

The users themselves retain the right to all text, pictures and other content that they create in the service. The users allow others to utilize the content in accordance with the nature of the service and furthermore allow Rent From Locals to file information and data and make changes that are necessary for the service or the study, however other rights are not transferred from the users, unless specifically otherwise agreed. The responsibility of the content lies with the user, who has produced it to the service. Rent From Locals has the right to remove any material when it deems it necessary.

Conditions for owners

  • Must be registered on the Website under their true identity
  • Must provide a telephone number where they can be reached
  • May not create several profiles or more than one Listing for the same vehicle/apartment
  • May only offer vehicles/apartments for rent that they own and will continue to own during the entire rental period, except if they have the authorization from the owner
  • May only rent out vehicles/apartments that are in compliance with laws and regulations, vehicles must be regularly maintained and serviced according to the manufacturer’s
  • recommendations, and have all the required safety equipment in the country of registration
  • Must ensure that the required paperwork for rentals is valid in accordance with the local laws
  • May only rent out vehicles that are up-to-date with their technical inspection
  • May only rent out vehicles with no malfunction that could affect expected and/or normal enjoyment when renting
  • May only rent out vehicles that have the mandatory annual insurance coverage in the country where the vehicle is rented, with at least third-party insurance 
  • Must provide true, accurate, complete and current information in their Listing
  • Must not place phone numbers or company names in the listing/profile pictures/description but only in the designated spaces

Conditions for renters

  • For all categories of vehicles, must have a valid driving license recognized in Albania, or an international driving license
  • Must be registered on the website under their true identity
  • Must provide a telephone number where they can be reached upon booking
  • May not create multiple account profiles on the website
  • Must have a valid means of payment at the time of the rental
  • Must not be medically unfit to drive

Car insurance
The car insurance packages at Rent From Locals are provided by the Owner. The owner is responsible that the car has the minimum insurance required by law, as well as to describe accurately the insurance package and options offered. Rent From Locals offers no insurance products on its own, however it aims to provide a frame for the proper description of the insurance included, as well as extra insurance options. In case the description provided by the owner is not clear, Rent From Locals suggests that the renter contact the owner directly via the messaging platform for further details. 

The following concepts are included in the description.

Included insurance: Insurance already included in the price
This could be either of:
Basic insurance - Insurance required by law, it is always included. It cover the damage to the other car involved in the accident
Cover 80% collision - In addition to the other car involved, it covers 80% of the damage to the car you are renting, only in the case of collision. A police report is necessary
Cover 80% all events - In addition to the other car involved, it covers 80% of the damage to the car you are renting, regardless of the circumstances.

In addition the owner has the possibility to specify the excess corresponding to the included insurance, which describes the maximum responsibility in amount of EUR, that the renter can be held liable of.

Extra insurance:
Two options are offered to the owners to specify:
Reduced excess insurance: The owner can offer against a daily fee the reduction of the excess to a smaller responsibility. In this case they needs to provide the additional daily fee (Reduced excess - extra charge €/day) and the new reduced excess amount (Reduced excess - excess amount €), which is the maximum responsibility in amount of EUR, that the renter can be held liable of, after paying the extra daily charge.
Full insurance: The owner can offer against a daily fee the reduction of the excess to 0. In this case they only needs to provide the additional daily fee (Full insurance - extra charge €/day:) 

The Removal of a User

Rent From Locals has the right to remove any users and terminate their right of use of the service in case there are reports of misbehaviors.